Thursday 4 March 2010

To Mail Or Not To Mail???

Many moons ago when THST first started, the principle way its members had with communicating with others was the dreaded “Yahoo Loop” – an e-mail mailing list which quite often descended into chaos, but was always tremendously lively and sadly badly moderated. One of my first acts as a THST Board Member was to suggest disbanding the loop and moving to a Forum which we could moderate and structure far better to meet our needs.

Since then the THST Forum has seen many active posters come and go, only ever maintaining an extremely small, very loyal band of brothers (and sisters0 who discuss everything from ticket prices/the success or failure of the CPZ to last night’s Eastenders, the latter being much to Daniel’s delight and Bernie’s disgust ;o).

Sometimes though we can’t help wondering why those once active people stopped posting. Have they found somewhere else to voice their opinions? Have people run out of complaints about the club or THST? (The latter I simply refuse to believe by the way), but most importantly the THST Board do actually discuss whether or not we are giving our members enough opportunities to have your say.

As many of you who read my ramblings on our Forum (and others) will know I’m continually banging on about THST only every being successful if it has continued input from its members – because you ARE the Trust’s future – YOU are the next generation of board members and without your active interest we will essentially become what our biggest critics suggest we are – 10 or 11 busy bodies pissing into the wind!!

After twisting a few arms at the last Board meeting, we have agreed, in principle, to re-institute a Trust Mailing list. Now it’s not compulsory and it’s not replacing the Forum – that will continue as it is, the new mailing list will simply be available to those that prefer to communicate via that medium. In the six years or so since we shut down the old loop, mobile communication has come on in leaps and bounds and with so many people bow having iPhones and Blackberrys it just makes sense to try something new and sometimes you have to look towards the past to move forwards.

So now is the part when you tell us what you think – do you like this idea or do you hate it? Either way we would love to hear from you.

Darren A

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